
Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Sheds Light on New Zealand’s Y-NEET Crisis PoliticsSocial IssuesCulture Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Sheds Light on New Zealand’s Y-NEET Crisis A recent report from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey reveals concerning findings about the health and well-being of young New Zealanders not in education, employment, or training (Y-NEETs). The survey, which is part of the broader Youth2000 series, highlights the significant challenges these young people face, as well as their untapped potential. Read Fragmented Mental Health Services Failing New Zealand’s Youth: Auditor-General's Report Urges Urgent Reform PoliticsSocial IssuesCulture Fragmented Mental Health Services Failing New Zealand’s Youth: Auditor-General's Report Urges Urgent Reform A recent report from the Auditor-General reveals alarming shortcomings in New Zealand’s mental health services for young people. The report paints a concerning picture of a fragmented system that struggles to meet the growing mental health needs of the nation's youth. Read 'Running on Empty: Antidepressants and Youth Suicide' by Richard Vernall Social Issues 'Running on Empty: Antidepressants and Youth Suicide' by Richard Vernall "Running on Empty" by Richard Vernall is a crucial and deeply insightful exploration into one of the most pressing issues facing New Zealand today: youth suicide and the use of antidepressants. This meticulously researched book delves into the disturbing statistics of youth suicide rates in New Zealand, providing a historical overview from the 1980s to the present day. Vernall presents a compelling argument that, despite the widespread prescription of antidepressants, there has been negligible progress in reducing these tragic deaths. Read A huge thank you to Kiwis For Good Social Issues A huge thank you to Kiwis For Good Thanks to Kiwis For Good, I not only defended myself against unjust debt collection practices but also regained my sense of dignity. I encourage anyone facing similar challenges to reach out to Kiwis For Good. They are such a great help for those navigating financial crises and unfair debt collection practices. Read Finding Hope: Message to Young People Struggling with Suicidal Thoughts Social Issues Finding Hope: Message to Young People Struggling with Suicidal Thoughts Dear young one. If you're reading this, it's because you're feeling overwhelmed right now. It might seem like there’s no way out of the pain you’re experiencing. First, I want you to know that you're not alone. Many young people face these feelings, and there is hope. This message is for you. It’s a reminder that your life is precious and worth fighting for. Read Uncovering the Significant Suicide Risk Associated With Gender Affirmation Surgeries Social Issues Uncovering the Significant Suicide Risk Associated With Gender Affirmation Surgeries With the increasing acceptance and prevalence of gender affirmation surgeries, a recent study has revealed a concerning trend: transgender individuals who undergo these procedures are at a higher risk of suicide or self-harm afterwards. This study examined data from over 90 million patients across the United States to understand the connection between gender affirmation surgeries and mental health. The researchers analyzed information from February 2003 to February 2023. Read The drugs don’t work, they just make you worse Social Issues The drugs don’t work, they just make you worse Paris Williams, a psychologist, challenges conventional views on mental health and psychosis in his groundbreaking book "Rethinking Madness," advocating for a paradigm shift in understanding and treatment. Through insightful research and case studies, he demonstrates that embracing struggles rather than masking them with quick fixes may lead to profound transformation and full recovery. Read Welcome To My Depression Social Issues Welcome To My Depression I’m writing this in the midst of a deep, horrific depressive episode. This doesn’t happen all that much anymore. Though I’ve been a depressive all my life, 95 percent of the time I’m now able to manage it. Meditation, aerobic exercise, gardening, reading, writing. Oh, and living on a seven-mile ocean beach is a pretty sweet factor as well. But when it hits, when the black, rock-hard comet comes out of nowhere and clobbers the hell out of me, no guided missile is gonna knock this alien celestial intruder off its path. Read The challenges of discontinuing antidepressants were never adequately conveyed to me. Social Issues The challenges of discontinuing antidepressants were never adequately conveyed to me. When I decided to stop taking antidepressants, the withdrawal symptoms hit me hard. I experienced daily panic attacks, vertigo, brain zaps, and intense anxiety for the initial three months. Tasks as simple as holding a cup of coffee became precarious, with tears a daily occurrence. The challenges of discontinuing antidepressants were never adequately conveyed to me. Read Unpacking the Impact of Mental Health Awareness: Could It Be Making Things Worse? Social Issues Unpacking the Impact of Mental Health Awareness: Could It Be Making Things Worse? A new study called "A Closer Look at the Mental Health Awareness Effect" delves into the potential consequences of recent campaigns aiming to shed light on mental health issues. Researchers Lucy Foulkes and Jack L. Andrews suggest that these campaigns, while trying to help, might actually be part of the reason why more people are reporting mental health problems. Read Surge in SSRI Prescriptions Raises Concerns for Youth Mental Health Social Issues Surge in SSRI Prescriptions Raises Concerns for Youth Mental Health Disturbing trends have emerged from recent data provided by the Ministry of Health in New Zealand revealing a fourfold increase in SSRI prescriptions for children aged 19 and under from 2010 to 2021. Read The Psychedelic Prescription PoliticsSocial IssuesCulture The Psychedelic Prescription Every year in Autumn, Magic Mushroom 'Fairies' go foraging for the many of the psychedelic mushroom varieties native to New Zealand Aotearoa. One such individual is "John". We have masked John's identity to protect him from prosecution. Read
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