Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Sheds Light on New Zealand’s Y-NEET Crisis

PoliticsSocial IssuesCulture Aug 20, 2024 Tim Baker

A recent report from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey reveals concerning findings about the health and well-being of young New Zealanders not in education, employment, or training (Y-NEETs). The survey, which is part of the broader Youth2000 series, highlights the significant challenges these young people face, as well as their untapped potential.

The survey included 84 young people aged 16-22 from the Waikato, Auckland, and Northland regions, providing a detailed picture of their lives. Many of these young people come from disadvantaged backgrounds, with high rates of poverty, violence, and discrimination shaping their experiences. According to the report, 70% of Y-NEETs surveyed had experienced some form of housing deprivation, while 47% reported exposure to sexual violence.

Mental health emerged as a critical issue, with 70% of respondents reporting significant depressive symptoms, and 29% admitting to attempting suicide in the past year. These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for targeted mental health services and support systems.

Despite these challenges, the survey also highlights the resilience and strengths of Y-NEETs. Many maintain strong family connections, with 81% stating that their parents care deeply about them. Additionally, a majority are engaged with community groups and express a strong commitment to environmental protection.

The report calls for a comprehensive, government-led approach to address the root causes of these challenges, including poverty reduction, improved access to healthcare, and enhanced support for mental health and substance abuse. It also emphasizes the need to shift the narrative around Y-NEETs from one of deficit to one that recognizes their potential and contributions to society.

This survey serves as a vital call to action, urging policymakers, community leaders, and the public to address the needs of Y-NEETs and ensure they have the support necessary to build positive futures.


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