
From office to the the Amazon BusinessSocial IssuesCulture From office to the the Amazon When it comes to sales and Marketing, James Wheable is at the top of his game. Being in the industry over 22 years he has worked with countless clients and trained many others to go on to greatness. Read It's been a hard road, but its my road Social IssuesCulture It's been a hard road, but its my road I’m Ali. To look at me, I’d guess many would make the same assumptions as most when you meet me – a very average, happy, healthy, middle aged looking lady. Some have even judged me as being lucky. Far from it. Read Community Action: How You Can Help PoliticsEnvironmentSocial IssuesCulture Community Action: How You Can Help One of the best things about volunteering your time and effort to help your community is that doing so offers you purpose and meaning and helps to further heal any wounds which remain from your own suffering. As well as human connection, it seems that there is a crisis of meaning and purpose in modern society. People feel like insignificant ants whose existences mean little if anything to the world. Whilst this isn’t true, because we all have intrinsic value and potential. Read Bungee Jumping's Forgotten Pioneer BusinessSocial IssuesTechnologyCulture Bungee Jumping's Forgotten Pioneer The first time I met David Kirke, New Zealand's forgotten pioneer and the worlds first bungee jumper. Who you ask? Most people in New Zealand would never have heard the name David Kirke the man that created the now quintessentially Kiwi extreme sport with an illegal jump from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in 1979 at the city of Bristol, England. Read Technology and mental health, What will the future hold? PoliticsSocial IssuesTechnologyCulture Technology and mental health, What will the future hold? In the last 25 years, awareness of mental health issues has risen dramatically. Now, more Americans are suffering from mental health illnesses than ever before. And with this increase in awareness and diagnosis, you’d expect there to be a rise in resources available to treat these issues, but you’d be wrong. Read A Journey of Tribulation & Triumph Social IssuesCulture A Journey of Tribulation & Triumph So far my journey with anxiety and depression has gone on for forty years or close to it. They have been part of my life for as long as I can remember. In some ways I have been really lucky but as is the case with most people there have been ups and downs. Read Boxing & Suicide - An Analogy Social IssuesCulture Boxing & Suicide - An Analogy After many years of indolence, I took up boxing as a way to get fit. I'm in my mid-40s, fat and out of shape so naturally, I decided that I would take up sparring with the fit and really good ones. These are people who for the most part are half my age, they are certainly half my weight, they have twice my speed, twice my stamina and twice my skill... at least. So I get hit... a lot. Read Growing up with Asperger's Social IssuesCulture Growing up with Asperger's I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 16. Before then though, my life hadn't been the easiest... Read The day that changed my life, and how it could help you PoliticsEnvironmentSocial IssuesCulture The day that changed my life, and how it could help you January 31st, 2007, 8:30 am. Oxford North Canterbury. I was working as a rural fencer and that day I was putting in a stay post on an already existing deer fence at the compound where I worked. Read An ex soldiers battle after leaving the army PoliticsBusinessSocial Issues An ex soldiers battle after leaving the army Karl had dreamed of joining the military since he was a little kid. He thrived on pressure and enjoyed pushing himself, so was thrilled when his dream came true. Unfortunately for Karl, the idea of being in the military was better than the reality of it. Read The NZ wellbeing budget - An historic moment in our nations history. PoliticsBusinessSocial Issues The NZ wellbeing budget - An historic moment in our nations history. New Zealand's Labour coalition government has done something that could prove historic. Led by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, it has produced the world's first "wellbeing" Budget, focused explicitly on a single goal: using its limited funds to promote the wellbeing of its citizens. Read Reviving the dying arts of awareness and acceptance PoliticsSocial IssuesTechnologyCulture Reviving the dying arts of awareness and acceptance Perhaps the most well-known of renowned psychologist Carl Jung’s realisations was that “no tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” That is to say, that a person can only truly activate and embrace the positive aspects of themselves if they are able to face and communicate with their dark side, their lower urges, their capacity for evil, their propensity to act on impulse and in their own self-interest. Read
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